Iluminação de jardins: como escolher o melhor candeeiro para o seu espaço verde

Garden lighting: how to choose the best lamp for your green space

The garden is a space that deserves all the attention when it comes to lighting. In addition to beautifying the environment, correct lighting is also important for safety and property value. When choosing the best lamp for your garden, you need to take into account some factors that range from the style of the environment to its functionality.

Check out some tips below for choosing the best lamp for your green space:

1. Choose a model that matches your decor

Just like any other decorative element, the lamp needs to be in harmony with the style of the room. Therefore, before choosing a model, it is important to define the style of decoration that will be used in the garden. If the garden has a more rustic style, for example, you can opt for metal lamps with an aged finish. If the decor is more modern, contemporary design lamps may be the best choice.

2. Check lighting functionality

In addition to aesthetics, the functionality of the lamp is also important. For example, if the garden is frequently used for nighttime activities, such as outdoor dining or reading time, it is important to choose a model that illuminates well the environment. If the objective is just to enhance the beauty of plants and trees, lamps with softer lights can be a good option.

3. Evaluate the durability of the material

Garden lamps are exposed to weather conditions, such as rain, sun and wind, so it is important to choose a resistant and durable model. Aluminum lamps, for example, are a great option as they are resistant to corrosion. Plastic lamps, on the other hand, may be cheaper, but they are less resistant and durable.

4. Take into account the height of the lamp

The height of the lamp is also important. If the objective is to illuminate a specific area, such as a path or a staircase, it is important to choose a model that is at the appropriate height to illuminate the area. If the objective is to illuminate a larger area, such as a lawn, taller lamps may be a good option.

5. Choose economical models

In addition to choosing a model that matches the decor and is functional, it is also important to choose an economical lamp.  LED solar lamps are an excellent option, as in addition to being economical, they are longer lasting and have a good lighting quality.

With these tips in mind, choosing the best lamp for your garden will become much easier. Remember to evaluate the style, functionality, durability, height and economy of the chosen model. By choosing the best lamp for your garden, you will be valuing the environment, as well as providing more security and beauty to your green space.

At Electrominor, you will find a wide variety of models, from the most classic to the most modern, to make your garden even more special. Invest in the correct lighting for your garden and transform it into an even more pleasant and welcoming environment. Take advantage of our tips and make the right choice for your green space!